
In January 2013 I discovered that E.E. Cummings wrote poetry daily between the ages of eight and twenty two – a startling and liberating fact. I had been writing for years – believing and accepting that sometimes there were lots of words, like mid-novel for a few days when all is clarity and flow or short stories that so ache to be written that pausing for thought or toast is just not possible. And then sometimes there are not – and certainly not poetry by the bucketful – poetry needed time to distill and crystallize, poetry came fleetingly – it could not be forced.

But I could not unread that biographical detail  – and I have always been curious about creativity and ways of stepping into the flow. So here I am two and a half years later, more or less writing a poem a day. (And yes – it is sometimes more than a poem a day. And yes – we have had some holidays in between.) But it turns out it is a most joyful and vital practice that asks nothing more  and nothing less than my presence.

Please accept these poems in the spirit that they are given. They are generally freshly written on the day they are posted. Some might be edited or changed or discarded later – but for now they are here in the world to be shared.

14 thoughts on “About

    1. Hello Ali. Thanks for your comment, it has had me thinking all day. Partly because my immediate answer would be of course it has changed me – but then it has been four years since the first poem a day stretch and I cannot really remember exactly where I was before I started. And to be clear, so far I have not managed this as a continuous daily practice – more like a few months of writing a poem a day – then a few weeks of sporadic weekly poeming, then back into a poem a day rhythm.
      What I do know and love about the practice of writing a poem a day is the living poetry-ness of it – it is not just the act of sitting once a day to write some words, but a lifestyle of choosing to live open and alive in the world and how much more clear and living the world becomes in response.
      It has taught me trust. Trust that things do pass, seasons do change – we do live and grow. Trust that there will be words again – even when it seems there are none at all. Trust in my own voice(work in progress).
      It has been a big learning experience – I am not sure I even begin to do it justice here. If you have not already tried it, do – even in a time limited way – a week – a month – 100 days. It is fun. Thanks again for your comment. Really enjoyed looking around your blog too, love the title, will definitely visit again.
      Be well.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Lindi, thank you for this thoughtful response. I have been writing almost daily for the past year (blogging too) and much of what you shared resonates with me. I loved your statement about “…living poetry-ness, being a lifestyle.” I use poetry to reflect, problem solve, unwind, even as a form of meditation. My life is different since I have made it a priority in my life to read or write poetry daily.
        Have your ever participated in poetry therapy or shared writing experiences?
        Thanks again for your openness.
        Be well.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Good morning Ali.
        Thanks for your response. In what way has daily poetry changed your life? I have not participated in anything as focused as poetry therapy – although I am conscious of the therapeutic nature of creative work and poetry in my own life and the lives of people around me.
        We have a writers group, made up of both visual artists and writers, that meets at my home weekly. I have facilitated creative writing workshops for high school students and worked on group creative projects. And it seems the more I learn and understand about the creative process, the more I fall in love with the mystery of it.
        Thanks for your questions.
        Beautiful day to you.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. steps along your journey to success?  Are you visualising your goals every day and see yourself holding your own Oscar?  Time to step things up on your journey to suc&csse#8230; wouldn’t you agree? var fbShare


  1. Really loved your words here Lindi. I also love the engagement, aspiring to write every day and having this wordpress platform to share our work. I didn’t know that about E.E. Cummings. Sometimes I miss days but I have the intention to keep writing and improving and writing and editing my work. The famous Japanese haiku poet Basho committed to writing 100 poems for 100 days during a critical stage of his development. I lasted 4 days at my first attempt. I love the drawings that accompany some of your poems. Mel.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thats really such a wonderful looking fish…I have eaten arbi cooked this when a colleague of mine got it. It actually tasted just like fish!!..:)..I am yet to find time to get down to that..but your pictures are surely te2y8ing!&#tm30;pou have some real patience making in those shapes…and of course these days kids become very tough with questions…:)


  2. What a beautiful idea – I also love E.E. Cummings! I also started my WordPress poetry blog hoping to write a poem a day and get brave enough to publicly share it. Turns out its very hard to push myself to write a poem a day, but I really liked reading how rewarding it was for you to push towards that goal. 🙂 it is inspiring & I know I write so very little these days, without even the effort to push myself to write regularly. I know a practice is very important and without one, there just isn’t any writing at all – forget good or bad writing, there’s just void. Thanks for this reminder! Also I love your poetry. 🙂 especially the nature stuff! very vivid and beautiful imagery


    1. thank you for reading and commenting and for the kind words. and yes the sharing part is hard, but that aside – just write and write and write until it becomes harder not too.


  3. Hi Lindi,

    Now and then….a poem such as your heart-felt one, comes along and reaches anyone who appreciates truly expressive poetry. Like many others, I am often struck by the ambiguity of life and how – in a heart-beat – we can be transported by a worthy act of ‘man,’ swiftly to be shocked by a totally evil, despicable one. Thank you for truly speaking for me. Peace, love and hope. Joy xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Joy,
      Thank you for reading, and for your thoughtful comment. I am delighted that this poem is meeting so many people who are here now and ready to be what is needed. With love and hope. Lindi xx


  4. I began writing lyrics for my band in the 1960’s. I have never quit writing, not to say I haven’t had periods of hiatus — some longer tha others. But in the past twenty years I hsve written everyday. Only for the past 15 years has the record of my writing been preserved digitally. Much of it prior has geen lost to time carelessness, heated divorces, and cross country moves. But I can no longer sillfully cease the momentum of my writing than I can cease my breathing. Though heart attacks over the years have threatened to. Now I live and breath with CHF and a Pacemaker — but still I can write. No longer with a pen, the result of crippling arthritis in my fingers — but I can hunt and peck with the best of them. The rigid middle finger of my right hand has become s capable tool. Like you, I am constantly editing and revising older work, as I write new. I only occasionally discard. Better to improve if possible. Well I have rambled mercilessly here. Sorry. It was nice discovering your site and reading your work. Peace my friend… ✌🏼

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is a formidable body of work you must have gathered by now. Love how writing has become like breath. Thanks for visiting and introducing yourself – good to meet you.


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